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Super up Intro

  • Super up is a full social chat app clone from whatsapp cupertino ui support (Android, ios,windows, web,macOS)
  • Current the admin panel under build you will receive it as updates for free in this project but you can install the current version of it


  1. Flutter for clint side last version or v 3.24.x
  2. Nodejs v17.9.1 or later in the backend side Nestjs
  3. socket-io for real time management
  4. mongodb for data storage v v 5.* or v 6.* only
  5. Some backend tech Bearer token JWT,ORM mongoose,
  6. agora-io for video and voice calls
  7. All media saved on the server on your vps server
  8. Google maps for share chat location
  9. mailer for send reset password OTP
  10. firebase-admin for push notifications
  11. geoip-lite and request-ip for detect user country
  12. All media and data (messages texts and media) for this project are stored locally in the server

This project not user firebase to save any data it only use the free firebase FCM for push notifications only! No for firebase high cost!


  1. flutter last-sdk installed in your local machine
  2. nodejs , nestjs , mongodb installed in your vps server
  3. vps server should be at lest 2 cpu and 2GB ram and enough ssd storage at lest 20 GB you can check out this companies digitalocean ,hostens make sure you have bandwidth more than 1TB
  4. Domain name it can be from namecheap
  5. firebase account for handle push notifications Optional
  6. agora-account if you intent to enable voice and video calls Optional
  7. onesignal account if you intent to push notifications over onesignal instead of firebase Optional
  8. google-api-key this key used for search and let users able to send locations in chat Optional
  9. google-ads-banner keys get banner id for ios and android if you want to enable it Optional
  10. For run ios you need paid apple developer account (99$) per year

Try the app Now! it available on 5 platform thanks to Flutter!

test_1_android test_2_ios test_3_macOs test_4_web_chat test_5_admin test_6_windows

after purchasing (codecanyou)

  • You will get all files for flutter project (android,ios,web,macos,windows)
  • You will get the flutter admin panel project
  • Postman collection for all apis
  • Full nestjs code which its backend code
  • Full support for future updates
  • Free support for bug fixes only (there is paid support)
  • You can use this project to modify and edit it serve your Customer !

This project use v-chat-sdk under the hood to serve the chat part This will not require you to purchase the v-chat-sdk it already impeded inside the source code if you are looking to implement a chat system into your exists or new flutter app then you should purchase v-chat-sdk

Contact me

Iam offer paid full server side setup