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Community FAQ

How Users Register

  • Users can register only by their Email and password
  • Data collected from user while register is Device Data User location from his ip
  • Email Password Name is required while user registers bio,image is Optional
  • Users can Reset their password by sending Email OTP
  • Data collected from user while register is Device Data User location from his ip
  • Email Password Name is required while user registers bio,image is Optional
  • Users can Reset their password by sending Email OTP

Ios Run Bug

If you face this error building IOS. What should I do if I have the following problem? [Failed to install the app on the device.Domain: The parent bundle has the same identifier]

  • this comes from the ShareExtension in xcode select it under the target and Runner update the ShareExtension bundle id it should be the same as your bundle id and attach to it .ShareExtension and it will works
  • For more info, check out this pageimage

New features

  • I have built this app to be suitable for most of all users as I can
  • So sure there are some features you will need it for your business this
  • See more details about your custom features

Stop ads

  • just update this values like this or you can stop it from the admin panel image

Phone Login

  • As this is whatsapp clone but i use the Email and password for login because
  • I see this will be suitable for all users since I dont need to depends on firebase for Auth!

Why not to use webRTC for calls

  • I have already tried to add webRTC and already works, but I found the following
  • it needs a very expensive VPS server and needs to make it scalable and distribute it as CDN for each country
  • To get the most good video and voice quality, and it needs a lot of configurations since there
  • Are pre-configured service like with a good price, and it has 1K minutes free for each month
  • And it is more stable and scalable with a high quality, So I switch to it!

Call notifications

  • Currently the app calls works by send notifications like a chat notification
  • it says there are some one want to call with you not pop up in full screen like whatsapp
  • iam working on update and improve this function

Admin panel

  • Admin panel in the first version it need more work in next updates sure i will add more user management stay tuned!

Desktop Voice recorder

  • Since there is no flutter package support Desktop voice reorder i have disabled it for now next updates i will make it works

Bug while releasing android (Your project requires a newer version of kotlin)

  • Fixed in last release
  • This bug isn't related to the kotlin (^_^)
  • You need to configure the android for release generate
  • In the android folder create and fill it out with the data of your jks key
  • Create your jks
storePassword=your storePassword
keyPassword=your keyPassword
keyAlias=your keyAlias
  • if you dont use the jks and not publish to google play you can simply do the following
  • open android/app/build.gradle
  • Replace the following
    signingConfigs {
release {
keyAlias keystoreProperties['keyAlias']
keyPassword keystoreProperties['keyPassword']
storeFile keystoreProperties['storeFile'] ? file(keystoreProperties['storeFile']) : null
storePassword keystoreProperties['storePassword']
buildTypes {
release {
signingConfig signingConfigs.release

to Delete the signingConfigs{}

  buildTypes {
release {
// TODO: Add your own signing config for the release build.
// Signing with the debug keys for now, so `flutter run --release` works.
signingConfig signingConfigs.debug

Flutter state management

  • i dont use any state management solutions available
  • instead of that i have created my own solution on top of flutter valueNotifier and streams

Plan Support requirements

  1. Firebase account or create app and invite me as owner to it you can remove me after install
  2. VPS cpu with AVX support 2 cpu and 2 ram or more with 100GB ssd storage
  3. Domain name pointed to the vps with wild card * See for more info you can host at namecheap i will configure the ssl with lets encrypted
  4. account with 10$ billing (optional) can be done later
  5. Google Maps api key with place search enabled; it will require enable billing (optional) can be done later
  6. Google Ads banner ids for android and ios if you will enable it
  7. App name app logo email for support
  8. To support forget password email reset code send via mail you need to get a SMTP server need the data EMAIL_HOSTEMAIL_USER EMAIL_PASSWORD
  9. Iam use this service for upload the backend code Caprover
  10. if you want me to upload the app by myself add me to Google Play console and apple also with same email
  11. App name app logo email for support
  12. The support is only available for one product each product you deploy will require to pay its fees of upload one of the plans above