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  • project structure in split packages
  • To run the project first activate melos
dart pub global activate melos
  • Then run this commend in the root of the project
melos bs
  • this code will run pub get for you in all packages
  • we have the following
  • apps (super_up_admin) this is the admin panel
  • apps (super_up_app) this app you should run it
  • packages all needed packages the most important packages is the super_up_core the s_constants.dart in the lib/src

Lest explain packages

  1. s_translate contains all arb files for super_up_app,super_up_admin projects

  2. super_up_core contains all logic for super up app itself like shared http requests,utils,widgets (DONT UPDATE)

  3. v_chat_firebase contains the firebase FCM only logic (DONT UPDATE)

  4. v_chat_input_ui this contains the ui and logic for the message input (recorder,file selector,location picker)

  5. v_chat_media_editor this contains the ui of media editor

  6. v_chat_message_page this contains the ui & logic of message page

  7. v_chat_room_page this contains the ui & logic of chat page

  8. v_chat_sdk_core contains all logic for v_chat app itself like shared http requests, socket,notifications (DONT UPDATE)

  • each app must have unique package name so you must change it! to be accepted in the stores
  • this step should be done first before connect firebase
  • we will use this package rename
  • install by flutter pub global activate rename
  • to change package name flutter pub global run rename --bundleId com.vchatsdk.vnotestarter Example => pub global run rename --bundleId com.XXXXXXX.XXXXXX
  • to rename the app use flutter pub global run rename --appname "YOUR APP NAME"
  • to update logo just update the logo.png in assets folder the logo must be .png
  • then run the code in the super_up_app flutter pub run flutter_launcher_icons:main
  • then this command dart run flutter_native_splash:create

Connect firebase

  • Recommend to user firebase flutter CLI which its new tool to make the firebase base connect straightforward
  • android
  • ios
  • You can connect it easily be firebase follow up this video
  • CLI tool


  • This file inside packages in [super_up_core] in lib/src/s_constants.dart
  • This file contains the configuration of the app
abstract class SConstants {
///your super up base domain url
///like this ( not start https// or any sub domains example [] or server ip with port like []
/// case of you use server ip just put the server ip connected to the port [http://ip:port]
static const _productionBaseUrl = "";

///your app name
static const appName = "Superup";

///android and ios admob ids [] []
static const androidAdUnitId = "ca-app-pub-3940256099942544/6300978111";
static const iosAdUnitId = "ca-app-pub-3940256099942544/2934735716";

///setup video and voice calls []
static const agoraAppId = "------------------------";

///change this to your google maps api key to enable google maps location picker
static const googleMapsApiKey = "AIzaSyAP---------------------";

///update this url to share the app for others
static const googlePlayUrl =
static const appleStoreUrl = "";

///get the onesignal id for push notifications []
static const oneSignalAppId = "********-****-****-****-**************";

///don't update update only if you use server ip just return your server ip with port []
static String get baseMediaUrl {
///if you dont setup domain yet you can return the server ip like this [return Uri.parse("http://ip:port/");]
return "https://api.$_productionBaseUrl/";

///don't update update only if you use server ip just return your server ip with port []
static Uri get sApiBaseUrl {
///if you dont setup domain yet you can return the server ip like this [return Uri.parse("http://ip:port/api/v1");]
return Uri.parse("https://api.$_productionBaseUrl/api/v1");

Add more language

  • You can add new language by just open the [s_translation] package
  • And inside lib/i18n create new file its name should follow the
  • Standard of intl_short language code.arb.arb
  • Inside this file copy the intl_en.arb and translate only the values and dont touch the key of the map
  • Then, while you run the app, the new language will be added, and it will appears in the selections


  • get the ids from these urls get banner id for ios and android
  • android and ios admob ids quick-start mobile-ads-sdk
  • dont forget to update the android add the ads app Id android/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml
  • and for ios open ios/Runder/info.plist update the
    <string>Your app id</string>
  • APPLICATION_ID not unit id be careful

android:value="ca-app-pub-YOUR KEY HERE!"/>
  • put your android appId for ads here android:value=
  • for Ios update the ios/Runner/Info.plist
  • <key>GADApplicationIdentifier</key>
    <string>ca-app-pub-YOUR KEY HERE!</string>

  • Create agora app and enable it copy the appId and enable
  • Setup video and voice calls agoraStatic const agoraAppId = "------------------------";
  • enable the Secondary Certificate

Google api key

  • Get google api key and enable all options like search and GEO locations for android and ios
  • Don't forget to update the android android/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml

android:value="YOUR API_KEY HERE!"/>
  • and for ios
  • ios/Runner/AppDelegate.swift
  • GMSServices.provideAPIKey(YOUR API_KEY HERE!)

Notifications iOS (APNS) AND VOIP

  • Login to your Apple Developer Account,(if you don’t have, you need to create one to be able to test, publish ios app).

  • Navigate to Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles > Keys > Add New from the left menu.

  • Register a New key.
  • Set the key name as FirebaseAPNS.
  • Tick “Apple Push Notification Services (APNs)”
  • Click Continue to register it.
  • Once the key is registered follow below steps:
  • Copy the Team ID (keep it aside)
  • Download the Auth key File (keep it aside)
  • Copy the Key ID (keep it aside)
  • Click “Done” to complete.
  • Open Firebase Dashboard > Project Settings
  • Click on “Cloud Messaging” tab. For the iOS app, click “Upload”.
  • Click on “Browse” to upload the recently downloaded Auth key file.
  • Paste the Key ID
  • Paste the Team ID
  • Click upload to register it.
  • VOIP ios setup This key you have downloaded you need to put the content of it to the backend code at the file AuthKey.p8 it contains XXXX just replace all content with the new one you have
  • All done now with ios notifications

how to update theme

  • For dark theme use it already inside the main.dart just update it dont delete it!
  • Of course you can update the theme direct from the code if you have much experience

First message page

darkTheme: ThemeData(
extensions: [
///see options!
  • for light theme use
   theme: ThemeData(
extensions: [
///see options!

second Chats Room page

  • for dark theme use
darkTheme: ThemeData(
extensions: [
///see options!

  • for light theme use
   theme: ThemeData(
extensions: [
///see options!


one signal

  • Get the onesignal id for push notifications [] see flutter docs
  • then in apps/super_up_app/lib/v_chat_v2/v_chat_config.dart enable OneSignal push by add this constructor
  • don't forget to update the app id in SConstants.oneSignalAppId
      vPush: VPush(
enableVForegroundNotification: true,
vPushConfig: const VLocalNotificationPushConfig(),
///if you support fcm push notifications
fcmProvider: VChatFcmProver(),
///if you support OneSignal push notifications **THIS**
oneSignalProvider: VChatOneSignalProver(
appId: SConstants.oneSignalAppId,

:::fin If firebase is available into your country its recommended to use it for notifications push which its 100% free service with no limits! :::

Admin panel

  1. super up introduce admin panel to control the app
  2. there are two types of login admin login and viewer login
  3. you will have two passwords for the admin one for admin another for viewer
  4. admin can do anything viewer can only see the data he cant edit it
  5. you can set the password for admin and viewer from the .env.production file in the backend files this file is hidden #Admin panel passwords be carfaul ControlPanelAdminPassword= "xxxxxxxxxxxxx" # put strong password for admin who can edit and update any thing in the app ControlPanelAdminPasswordViewer= "xxxxxxxxxx-xxxx" # put strong password for admin that can only read(see ,users data,chats data etc...) he cannot update any thing
  6. You can change it any tine you want to re deploy your app!


  • open terminal inside the super_up_app folder
  1. for android, you can run flutter build apk --split-per-abi for store publish
  2. for web, you can run flutter build web --web-renderer html see backend section for how to upload
  3. for ios, you can run ios

Doesn't update any package version unless you know what to do